"Mark Fine writes with thrilling
suspense, engaging prose and a
canny knack for egging on the
the reader to learn what happens

"Mark Fine creates a portrait of
South African life that could be
compared to William Faulkner
novels in value to the arts and

"The Zebra Affaire is really sig-
nificant, and why I'm so glad I
discovered it...hope to find this
book in  Museum of Tolerance
bookstore...it's that important!"

"I'm all for any work of art that
shakes me out of my slumber.
This historical novel does this.
AND it's a truly fun read!"

"What I love most about the
book is the way the author so
eloquently intertwines historical
facts of apartheid South Africa
with an exciting love story."

"A cracking good story, written
with a wry sense of humor and
all too believable. Authentic,
poignant and wonderfully eng-
aging read."

"A hard to put down thriller with
romance...I enjoyed the easy, but
colorful writing style that made
me feel I was right there to exper-
ience the fall of apartheid, brilliant!"

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 "I See Pulitzer Prize Material Here"
- Jeanne Mary Allen, Amazon 5-Star Review

Author Mark Fine is a veteran executive from the music industry. This gig  has taken him from Johannesburg  to New York, Minneapolis, and now nestled in  greater Los Angeles. 

The single greatest regret of his storied career is the fact that he never wrote a song (despite producing many  recordings). So, when pushed to explain this lapse, he shrugged saying, "Well at least I began, wrote, and completed a novel."

Thus "THE ZEBRA AFFAIRE: An Apartheid Love Story" is the very successful debut novel of a wannabe songwriter. What Mark was unable to express within the confines of a three minute melody, has been fortunately unleashed in 350 pages of a profoundly significant work of historical fiction. 

Though satisfied with his published creation, Mark remains wistful. "There is such elegance; such sheer creativity in reducing so many big ideas into a so-called 'simple song'. I really do  admire the songwriter's craft. I needed 85,000 more words (none that rhyme) to articulate my message."

I for one, as an avid reader, am so glad he did. - JMA

THE ZEBRA AFFAIRE | Book Trailer & Video Review:

ON SALE NOW: In Paperback and Kindle @ Amazon.com


INVITE THE AUTHOR: Turn book group meetings into a novel experience and have novelist, Mark Fine review "The Zebra Affaire" at your next book group. 

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by Mark Fine

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